Welcome to the New and Improved FatGuy Wishlist

OK...so the wurd on the street is that we're now just making this location available to "the gang" so that they might have a place to make random wishes for stuff that would be cool to receive on those random days of "stuff receiving" (which of course really means that some people don't want to have to guess what kinda stuff would go over well with potential gift recipients).

As such We're gonna fiddle with the page a bit and aim to get down to a list of 'Nifty Stuff' that would be appreciated if you happen to have held up a bank recently and don't want to have too much loot bulging obviously in yer pants/wallet/purse/haversack.

And because some of us, didn't think the old list was swag enough, we thought we would spruce it up a bit. If ya don't like it, tough.

Enough yapping...on to the page.